Yesterday was my last day in the classroom. I won't lie, tears were shed. A wonderful photograph of my students and I was taken, but unfortunately it cannot be posted due to confidentiality issues. Picture this: me sitting on the floor surrounded by twenty precious little kindergartners holding these goodbye gifts triumphantly in the air.
I hope the picture I painted of this scenario will suffice.
Here are some photographs of the beautiful school that has been my home away from home for the past three months.

Not Pictured: the loving compassionate staff and faculty members that made us feel so at home.
Our last evening in Rio was spent with Thais exploring the stairs at Lapa (read this article for some interesting background information) drinking coffee and eating pao de queijo in Santa Teresa.
So this is it. In a mere 14 hours, after a last beach trip to Ipanema of course, I will be boarding a plane that will take me back to the good ol' US of A. My emotions today range from nervousness to elation to pride to sadness. Rio definitely has a special place in my heart.
Thanks to everyone who has supported me throughout this adventure and taken the time to read my silly little blog. I've loved being able to share this fantastic experience with everyone in a small way. Look out for my future adventure blogs, because believe me there will be more.
My teacher and I have departed every day with a cheerful "see you tomorrow!" After agreeing that we hate goodbyes, we decided that this shouldn't be a goodbye. I'll be back one day. So my last day, just like any other day ended with a cheerful but tearful "see you tomorrow!"
So Rio, see you tomorrow.